TRIO Student Support Services STEM is a federally funded TRIO program designed to serve first generation, income eligible, and students with disabilities. We provide opportunities in academic development, financial literacy, career awareness, and other college requirements. TRIO Student Support Services STEM serves to motivate students towards the successful completion of their post-secondary education.

TRIO Student Support Services STEM Mission

The TRIO Student Support Services STEM program at Montana Technological University is committed to increasing the rates of academic achievement, retention, leadership development, and graduation among historically underrepresented students.
This is accomplished by providing holistic and individualized support services that maximize students’ innate abilities and draw upon available resources within, and outside of Montana Tech to benefit students, families and the larger community.

Apply to TRIO Student Support Services STEM Today!

Who is Eligible?

    • Montana Tech students who are:
      • A citizen or legal resident of the United States.
      • Committed to succeeding in college
    • Enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical (STEM) discipline:
      • All Engineering Programs
      • Biological Sciences
      • Chemistry
      • Computer Science
      • Mathematical Sciences
      • Software Engineering.
    • In addition, ONE of the following criteria must be met:
      • You meet Federal financial guidelines,
      • Neither of your parents graduated with a four-year degree,
      • You have a documented disability.

What you get!

We offer:
• Fall orientation for incoming freshmen
• Guidance in academic, personal, and career goals
• Tutoring and study groups here is our current Tutoring Schedule
• Assistance in graduate school applications

Workshops to:

• Set and attain academic goals
• Develop leadership skills
• Improve time management and organizational skills
• Encourage financial literacy

Career Awareness through:
• Interest inventory
• Interview skills
• Resume and cover letter development
• STEM field trips

Academic & health support:
TutorMe Online tutoring assistance This service is available 24/7 and includes a writing lab. All you have to do is create and account and you are off and running.
MindView education mind mapping software is a comprehensive visual learning tool designed to help you develop and present your ideas visually and then export into several different formats (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.).

TRIO SSS Academic Success Coaching
The goal of the TRIO Academic Success Coaching is to assist and empower students to succeed and excel academically, persist through graduation, prepare for graduation and professional endeavors, and develop an appreciation for lifelong learning.

Program Objectives

  1. Provide accessible and quality tutoring for TRIO SSS students enrolled at Montana Tech.
  2. Mentor and train qualified and committed undergraduate and graduate
    students to deliver academic support services.
  3. Promote TRIO services among faculty and students.

TRIO Student Support Services is strongly committed to ongoing assessment and evaluation in order to enhance current programs and develop innovative services that increase student success and their persistence at the university. These services include 24 hour online tutoring, and academic success coaching.

Programs and services are available to all TRIO SSS students currently enrolled at Montana Tech, although particular attention is given to first year freshmen, new transfers, and continuing students who want to improve their academic performance.

TRIO Student Support Services STEM Resources

With our years of experience at Montana Tech we have built an extensive network of programs that can be helpful to students, both on- and off-campus.
You wouldn’t believe the number of programs and offices we’ve worked with as we have helped students solve problems that can create obstacles to their success in college.
Here are just a few of the offices and programs we work with frequently:

  • The Writers’ Studio: The Writers’ Studio is committed to helping Montana Tech students meet their academic and professional goals by becoming better writers. We support independent learning and encourage scholarship by providing one-on-one consultations and workshops tailored to specific classes. Undergraduate students at all levels and in every discipline are welcome.
  • Undergraduate Academic Advising: Academic advising is a critical component of the educational experience. Through academic advising, we empower (guide) students to develop and implement sound educational plans that are consistent with their personal values, goals and career plans. Our purpose is to guide students to become self-directed learners and decision makers.
  • Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring: The goal of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) at Montana Tech is to assist and empower students to succeed and excel academically, persist through graduation, prepare for graduate and professional endeavors, and develop an appreciation for lifelong learning.
  • Montana Tech Career Services: Our mission is to help students and alumni be prepared to achieve their career goals and help them find quality jobs and internships. Career Services plays a crucial role in making sure our students succeed professionally. Career Services also helps employers connect with students and alumni to promote opportunities for jobs, internships or summer positions, share information about their company and hire quality employees from Montana Tech.
  • Financial Aid Office: Funding your education is a major financial commitment for you as a student and perhaps for your family as well. We strive to make your education affordable, through grants, loans, student employment on campus, and scholarships. Approximately 90 percent of our first-time students receive some form of financial aid.
  • FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  • Understanding the FAFSA Just like it says!
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society: American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) was created in 1977 by a group of American Indian scientists, engineers, and educators in order to combat high drop out rates, low college enrollment and graduation rates, and to remove barriers to academic success among native students.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services: Personal counseling is a process of self-discovery and growth. It helps us to learn more about ourselves. It can also increase our self-confidence, improve our relationships, help us to achieve our educational goals, and aid us in making good decisions for our emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual well-being.
  • Disability Services for Students: Montana Tech is committed to ensuring full and equal participation by eliminating barriers and making appropriate accommodations which allow students with disabilities to have equal opportunity in all aspects of campus life.
  • Veterans Services: Service members should speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service Prior to enrolling. The staff, administration and faculty of Montana Tech are here to assist you in your transition to civilian and campus life as you pursue your degree.
  • College Guide for Low Income Students: Provides students with information on how to enroll in college, how to stay in schools once enrolled and gives scholarship and financial aid options.
  • Handouts Helpful handouts covering a wide variety of topics!


Theresa Rader
TRIO Student Support Services STEM Director
Work: (406) 496-4683
Cell: (406) 491-1907

Michalah Sherman
TRIO Student Support Services STEM Academic Success Coach & Student Advisor
Work: (406) 496-4693

Tom Reget
TRIO Student Support Services STEM Digital Content Creator & Student Advisor
Work: (406) 496-4700
Cell: (406) 498-0442